google algorithms

Google has a long history of famous algorithm updates, search index changes, and updates. Below is a history of the major Google search algorithm updates.

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How often does Google update its search algorithms?

Google search is constantly changing. In 2020, Google made 4,500 changes to search. This number includes changes to the ranking system, the user interface, and more. Additionally, Google conducted over 600,000 experiments. This means that, on average, Google search changes 12 times per day.

History of Google Algorithm Updates: 2003 to present

Here is a complete history of Google algorithm updates that you should know, in reverse chronological order.

December 2022 Link Spam Update

Dec 14

This global update targeted spam links and was designed to neutralize all credits passed through unnatural links. This launch overlapped with the helpful content system update on December 6. Google said the full rollout of the Link Spam Update would take about two weeks.

Helpful Content System Update from Google

Dec 6

This update added new signals to its classifier and also brought the helpful content update globally for all languages. Google said the rollout would take up to two weeks.

October 2022 Spam Update

Oct 19

Google introduced the latest improvements to its systems for detecting search spam. Google did not explicitly state whether this update focused on links, content, or other forms of spam. This update was global and affected all languages. The October 2022 Spam Update took less than 48 hours to fully roll out.

September 2022 Product Reviews Update

Sept 20

This was the second product reviews update of the year and the fifth overall. While Google generally avoids overlapping algorithm updates, this one was released before the completion of the September 2022 core update. It was intended to reward English-language product reviews that are helpful and useful to searchers. Rollout completed on September 26.

September 2022 Core Update

Sept 12

This was the second core update of the year and launched three days after the completion of the helpful content update. Overall, it seemed less significant than previous core updates, including the May 2022 core update. Rollout completed on September 26.

Learn more about core updates in our guide Google Broad Core Algorithm Updates: Everything You Need to Know.

Helpful Content Update

Aug 25

On August 18, Google revealed details about its new helpful content update, a page-wide signal designed to reward content that helps or informs people, rather than content created primarily to rank well in search results. It started rolling out on August 25 and was completed 15 days later on September 9.

Google provided a list of 15 questions you should ask yourself during your content reviews to ensure you’re creating content that is people-focused. It was also mentioned that the types of content most likely to be affected include online educational materials, arts and entertainment, shopping, and technology. However, the impact was mainly felt in a few website categories (e.g., ringtones, coding, song lyrics). Its overall impact was relatively minimal.

July 2022 Product Reviews Update

Jul 27

Google stated that the rollout of the fourth version of the product reviews update would take 2-3 weeks but later announced it was fully implemented after six days. This update was more of a refresh than anything new, and it aimed to reward high-quality product reviews. Overall, this update was not as widespread and showed low ranking volatility compared to previous product review updates.

May 2022 Core Update

May 25

This was the first major core algorithm update of 2022 and the first in over 6 months. Google stated it would take up to two weeks to be fully implemented. As with all other core updates in the past, Google made extensive changes to how its ranking systems evaluate content.

March 2022 Product Reviews Update

Mar 23

Google stated that the third version of the product reviews update, which would take “a few weeks” to fully roll out, builds on the work of the two previous product reviews updates. Like those, this update was designed to help Google identify high-quality product reviews and reward them with better rankings.

There were three new pieces of advice from Google regarding rankings, recommendations for “best” products, and creating reviews for multiple versus individual products.

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